Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Connecting the dots across great snippets 02/16/2010

Connecting the Dots across some snippets below:
  • Understand & appreciate what is important for the tribe (target audience) you care about; their passions, frustrations and the context in which these occur..
  • Create the spaces & experiences for them to convene; make them so they are perceived as easy (technology simply enables and gets out of the way) and be respectful of the tribe members choice to be there
  • Give up control; but don't give up leadership... (of the intent, the direction, the focus)
  • Deeply integrate the outcomes of the interaction with the tribe members into the inner workings of your whole enterprise..

Here the snippets

Form this post by Lauren McKay on Accenture's Social CRM Report:
  • "Staying in control of your brand is different than it used to be..." "..any true social media strategy must be developed -- and executed -- enterprisewide. Most companies, he says, have yet to progress to that level of maturity"

This great post by Paul M. Banas "What to Listen for" calls out a few of the key areas any Social Media Strategy needs to be based on / listen to:
  • Tension (unfulfilled needs & desires)
  • Passion (Compelling Emotions)
  • Context (What is the surrounding environment that triggers, hosts the above)

Great Insights can be gained from these TED Talks:

  • Alexis Ohanian: You no longer control the message; and that is OK (if you are Genuine and truly take the time to listen and harness the Social Power)
  • Clay Shirky: It gets Socially interesting when it gets Technologically boring (alas the end user experience must perceived as simple & accessible)
  • Clay Shirky: Aim to Convene your users / clients / target audience but not Control them
  • Stefana Broadbent: connection & intimacy are not opposite, actually connectedness enables intimacy.
  • Seth Godin: You can tell when you are running into someone in a tribe (by watching for the signs, by listening)
  • Seth Godin: you don't need everyone, you need a good number that cares enough
  • Seth Godin: Tell a Story, connect a Tribe, Lead a Movement and Make Change

What do you think?

Filiberto Selvas

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