Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Social Media Year!

By all indications 2011 will be a very interesting year for Social Media; survey after survey indicates brands will increase their investment, it seems the trend in job postings confirms this is happening. Mobile promises to finally reach the tipping point boosting even more the importance of Social (and we know now that mobile is way more than smart phones). Privacy concerns have gone mainstream and we will have to find a way to educate and provide choice to consumers, while making them aware that most of us intend to provide them with a better experience, more relevant options and with services that are paid by advertising dollars.

On a personal note 2011 is a very exciting promise; I recently joined Meteor Solutions, Meteor provides services and technology to increase reach and revenue through online sharing; we help our clients enable, track / measure and activate sharing, the social behavior that we all know and love … I am honored to belong to this great team, and I look forward to collaborate with them in the months to come to benefit more clients in more ways.

One of my resolutions for 2011 is to work harder to contribute as the Social Media space shifts and grows, we are still just scratching the surface but clearly we are all moving forward aggressively to evolve this from craft to science.

Here for a very fruitful 2011; may you wish for the right things and may your wishes come true; thanks for all the help, teachings, good thoughts, learning and blessings in 2010

Filiberto Selvas

1 comment:

Dave Wenning said...

You have a happy and healthy New Year as well, Filiberto. Best wishes.