Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Daily Bookmarks 11/19/2008

  • Great work by Marc Smith

    tags: Social, Media, Visualization

  • Interesting study! Even when I don't agree with all the points & conclusions (i.e. I don't agree that "Effective advertising agencies and marketing partners must abandon the old paradigms and assist clients in embracing new technologies") There are other very valuable points in this report; my favorite: "Integrate marketing with other forms of corporate communications. Both the interactive nature ofWeb 2.0 technologies and the transparency of corporate messages among different constituencies—suchas customers, investors, media, regulatory bodies and employees (past, present and future)—demandthe integration of various forms of marketing and communications. Businesses can no longer segmentaudiences and messages as if audiences don’t talk to each other."

    tags: Social, Media

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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